sophomore english, Department of Mass Communication, 2005

Monday, February 28, 2005

important dates for drama presentation

1. 服裝方面: 劇場有相當大的服裝間,你們所需要的服裝在劇場的服裝間應該都可以借的到,不過一組只可以進劇場服裝間兩次。進服裝間選衣服的時間則是每星期一、三、四皆可,不過要先打電話和負責管理的Betty學姊預約時間,電話是2905-2524。
2. 每次進劇場彩排一定要有指導老師一同進去,同學不可以在沒有指導老師的情況下自行進入劇場彩排。
3. 任何型式的食物和飲料都不可以帶進劇場,若要吃東西或喝飲料請於理圖一樓的外廊食用完畢。
4. 劇場的佈景道具皆可使用,不過不可以破壞或是用無法復原的方式去加以改變,例如會留下痕跡的雙面膠帶就是絕對嚴禁使用的。
5. 化妝間的化妝檯嚴禁重壓或是坐在上面,因為底部不穩容易塌毀,請各組導演再三向同學宣導並注意。
6. 由於劇場的的特殊燈光有限,如果需要劇本中需要用到特殊的燈光(例如紅色的光、綠色的光、或是旋轉燈之類),請填寫清楚燈圖並在進劇場彩排一週前將燈圖交由劇場的Betty學姐。
7. 由於劇場為全校共用,使用的科系包含整個外語學院所有科系,因此請各組導演確實把握每一次進劇場的時間,因為不論你們幾點進入劇場彩排,下一個預約使用的單位都將會於你們預約的結束時間準時進入使用。

需繳交文件名稱 此時間英文大傳同步!!

Monday, February 21, 2005

Sophomore English (Spring 2005)

Spring 2005
Monday E3-4 Fl 107
Albert Tang

A. Goal
1.Performance-oriented instruction: In the Mood for Loving English

This performance-oriented course, centered around the idea “learning from doing”, is designed to help students combine their professional training (in this semester, acting, directing and audiovisual production) with English comprehension (in particular listening, speaking, interviewing, writing and translating).

2. Dramatic demonstration: Raising the Red Lantern to Live in English

Students will demonstrate their provocative conceptualization through dramatic arrangement (15-20 min drama), literary journalism (a journal/ mini-magazine/ newspaper containing script, adaptation info, synopsis, cast’s words, ,characterization,…more) and digital publication (on-line web promoting + streaming, VCD production?). A review report is also required after the demonstration.

3. Joint drama presentation: Shakespeare in Love with English majors

For the first time ever, our presentations (3 sophomore production teams), together with 4 presentations from freshman students of English Department (SOCE), will be held at Science Library Theatre(理圖劇場)on May 7 (Sat). Details regarding mutual cooperation will be revealed later. Students Association at both sides has promised to work hand-in-hand.

4. Self-supporting Activity: Flexibility, Fairness, Fantasy

Each group will be in charge of its own production cost. Course consultation will be more flexible, and subject to change due to practical scheduling. Since three plays will be formalized be way of teamwork, distribution of labor and individual contribution will later be openly scrutinized and peer-evaluated.

B. Evaluation Policy
1.drama presentation 50%

a. performance

b. work journal (as detailed as possible)

c. explanation on distribution of labor

d. a review essay (personal)

e. group leader: 吳斌順, 臧浩遠, 吳欣庭

2.Publication (journal, web, VCD) 50%

a. Script: synopsis, full text,

b.(choreography + story board)

c. Web

d. VCD (recording?) (optional)

3.Non-drama student (with “#”)

a. reading reports 3 (web or handed) 50%

b. presentation 2 (oral + written) 20%

c. final project 1 (Visual recording) 30%

d. review play

e. A brief intro to Taiwan, cultural Faces of Taiwan

f. student coordinator: 曾楷捷

C. Scheduling

Some rehearsals will depend on time allocations from the theatre.

Our class schedule will be flexible, please pay attention to Key dates (indicated with a *)

Feb 21 first meeting

Feb 28 off

March 7 *play title confirmation

*Group working schedule confirmed

# non-drama students(ND)proposal draft due

March 14 X meeting albert

# ND reading (brief intro to TW)

March 21 X meeting albert

# ND reading (TW)

March 28 X meeting albert

# ND students hand in 1st reading reports

April 4 spring recess (off)

April 11 *rehearsals schedule confirmed

# ND (Screening: cultural Faces of TW)

April 18 exam

# ND cultural faces of TW: discussion

April 25 DM

# ND cultural faces of TW (discussion)

May 2 rehearsals

# hand in 2nd report (draft)

May 7 *** ###presentations (all students, signature)

May 9 *# off

May 16 * review drama

# 3rd report (review of drama presentation)

May 23 *# all students works done (reports + review)

May30 *#reviews/ check

June 6 *#last day handing in VCD

*# watch VCD in classroom

June 13 *evaluation

# evaluation

group list

廖宏仁 林雅琪 洪國盛 宋美儀

張明得 司承運 林佳瑩 王怡帆

杜家妮 柯睿欣 潘千詩 黃琬喬

高嘉聰 甘凱文 施克勳 吳思樺


吳秋旻 王怡潔 鄭宇真 林蘭芬

李育甄 潘怡利 曾子芳 蔡政霖

藍閔貞 董以緹 辛憲琪 吳星儀

廖柏翔 柯信志 蔡明瀚 陳依佐

孫煜銘 張可辰 王之岑 陳怡如

莊婉妮 陳義宏 吳欣庭 何冠群

林凡 潘雨 江郁芬 張可欣

李佳珍 林雅雯

Sunday, February 20, 2005

brief introduction to Taiwan